Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Little About Me :-)

Hi, everyone! I just wanted to let you all know a little about me.. and why I chose to start this blog! My name is Rachel, I am from Cranston, RI. The smallest state in the entire country! I am a wife, a mother to two children JJ and Farrah, a hairstylist and a makeup artist. I have always had a HUGE passion for all things beauty related.. ever since I was a little girl and cut and colored all of my Beverly Hills 90210 Barbie's hair.. whoops :-/ I decided once I graduated High School, that I was going to pursue the career I always dreamed of. I decided that the best school choice for me would be Paul Mitchell The School in Rhode Island. I graduated from there in 2005 at 19 years old with my certification in cosmetology. I have done hair, nails and makeup in quite a few salons :-) Now I am freelancing and I am a stay-at-home Mom to my two beautiful children. I am a HUGE James/Decker fanatic. Jessie inspires a lot of what I love when it comes to beauty and fashion, as well as her sister Sydney! I hope you all enjoy my blog! 
Kisses XO Rachel

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